81 Good Luck Symbols Tattoos For a Positive Living

Our luck always “Misses out” again and again, if so, you’re not deluded. In those times, you always need a reminder to stay positive while you’re losing your bet in poker or missing a job promotion, then good luck symbols tattoos are the answer. Having a little bit of sexy ink permanently etched in your body will be a good luck symbols tattoos for a positive living. It may be some good luck charms like sun, moon or an inspirational symbol. There may be a time in our life when the positive thoughts become diluted over time, these tattoos will remind you of the hopeful feeling. But the real power comes when you actually know the meaning and expression behind these Good Luck Symbols Tattoos For a Positive Living.


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Good Luck Symbols Tattoos For a Positive Living


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Due to its simplicity and its popularity, the anchor can be open to a wide range of interpretations. A symbol of strength, stability, and loyalty, it is not hard to see why it is such a popular image. The anchor can be also used as a religious symbol, a sign of the wearer’s strength in their chosen faith, or simply as a reminder to always remain grounded, no matter how stormy life may become.


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Typically, angels are thought of as messengers between humankind and the gods, or as beings who act as our protectors or guardians. Angels can also be represented as a symbol of faith, especially in cultures where Christianity is the dominant religion. In many cultures, people get an angel when losing a loved one. This angel will always stay there, protecting them from above and one of the good luck symbols tattoos for a positive living.

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As a simple, yet striking, image, the arrow remains a powerful symbol however it is viewed or interpreted. The arrow has multiple interpretations throughout the different cultures across the world. For the Native Americans the arrow was an element key to their culture, as it was basically one of their main tools to protect and provide, and it was very important for their survival. The arrow was also a symbol of war as well as peace. Another meaning within Native American cultures is the sign of two crossed arrows as a symbol of alliance, while an arrow broken in two is a sign of peace. In other cultures, the arrows are also often seen as a representation of passion, affection, or love. For some people, arrow tattoos symbolize the strength to find your way in life.


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Bats are probably one of the most misrepresented creatures in the animal kingdom. They are associated with the dark and the occult, and they were traditionally considered to be the familiars of witches, demons, and vampires. There are some positive associations with bats: in China they are symbols of good fortune, long life, wealth, and prosperity while Native Americans associate them with rebirth.


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The folklore associated with bears is among the most ancient, dating back to Palaeolithic times, from which there is surviving evidence of bear clans. In Native American cultures, the bear is said to be the keeper of dreams, perhaps because the animal hibernates once a year. The Viking had the bear as a symbol of strength and fury, and would often dress themselves in bear skins, eating hallucinogenic mushrooms to work themselves into frenzy before entering into battle. In many cultures, the bear is revered as a noble creature, with human-like treats. The bear is also seen as a symbol for protection, due to the ferocity that bears display when protecting their cubs.


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There are few insects in the animal kingdom that are looked on as favourably and positively as the bee. These hard work little animals are widely represented in the tattoo artistry and one of the good luck symbols tattoos. They are often associated with hard work, willpower, resilience. In some ancient cultures like the Egyptians they were seen as the messenger between the mortals and the gods, as well as a symbol of eloquence and intelligence.

The tattoo industry is always evolving, and the latest obsession is custom enamel pin inspired by my favorite tattoos. These custom pins are truly breathtaking and unique in style. They can be customized to fit any taste and preferences. If you’re a tattoo artist or the owner of a tattoo shop, I’m sure you are willing to demonstrate your special artistic style to everyone. By virtue of designing unique, exquisite, and personalized lapel pins with the most satisfactory tattoo works for your tattoo art shops, you can give them as a giveaway to your customers. An excellent idea to turn art into products as real items!


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Often depicted as a symbol of freedom, birds are one of the most popular tattoos in modern cultures. One of the reasons of their popularity is their variety of shape, size, and colour that makes the bird adaptable to a wide range of personal associations. As mentioned, birds represent freedom, courage or even travel. For some individuals, birds are seen as a symbol of liberation from a traumatic experience or overcoming a situation that has oppressed them.


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Because of its seemingly near-miraculous ability to change its form completely, the butterfly has always been prominent in folklore and mythology, as well as in tattoos. It is the symbol of transformation, renewal and resurrection. The ancient Greeks believed that butterflies were an earthly representation of the soul. Nowadays, because of the variety of colours and forms they can take, butterflies are often chosen purely for their aesthetic appeal.


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One of the most widely spread meanings is the candle as a symbol of finding our way in the dark, or even just a light in our darkest moments. In ancient times, candles play an important role helping sailors and explorers finding -literally- their way; therefore, they were powerful symbols. Candles have also been associated with religious rites and sacred places, and therefore are linked to spirituality.


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Stereotypically, the dove is seen as a symbol of peace, love, and purity as well as one of the good luck symbols tattoos. It is deeply associated with Christ and Christianity, and its appearance in the Bible is always within the context of a message from God or the presence of the Holy Spirit. Typically, though, doves are thought to be a symbol of peace and positivity.


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Admired as much for their beauty as for what they symbolize, feathers have long been a popular design choice in tattooing. Typically, feather tattoos symbolize the attributes we usually associate with birds – freedom of mind and heart; our flight through life, and the wings to reach spiritual enlightenment. Feathers are light and free and often symbolize freedom and a carefree attitude.


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In Japan, there are seven gods of good luck and fortune. Daikoku is one of them, originating in Hindu beliefs. A Daikoku mask is mainly known to ward off evil spirits and brings in good luck. A Daikoku tattoo symbolizes prosperity, optimism and good fortune.

Koi Fish

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The Japanese koi fish is another popular choice when it comes to getting inked with tattoos with meaning. This fish symbolizes strength, perseverance, prosperity, and determination. They are also seen as a symbol of good luck by many. They are often tattooed in pairs to represent the dual nature of life and how it exists in perfect harmony.

Crown of thorns

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A crown of thorns is one of those good luck symbols tattoos that find its roots within Christianity. One interpretation of this tattoo would be homage to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Out of Christianity, thorns represent the hardships in life and are a popular symbol of the ability to overcome difficulties. A thorny vine is also symbolic of life, survival, strength, progress, and endurance.

The Moon


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It’s never too late to create your good luck symbols tattoos for a positive living. The symbol of phases of the moon is associated with birth and death. In the circle of life, there are going to different phases, some days in dark whereas some days in the light. The moon tattoos are believed to show us hope and positivity even in the darkest days out there.

Little Eye


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The little eye is a very ancient tattoo for protecting from the harms of “Evil Eye”. This particular good luck symbol can be inked on our fingers or wrist, keeping the positive energy flowing even in the bad vibes. The little eye has been hitting the social media as one of the cutest small tattoos for positivity and good luck.

The Sun


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Sun always reminds us of rebirths and that every day is the new day. We often get upset about the bad day, the sun is the good luck symbols tattoos for a positive living. As the sun sets and rises again teaching us renewal in life and good luck in every aspect.

Running Compass


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Save yourself from losing your way with the running compass good luck tattoo. Often our head is full of fear and negative thoughts, we tend to lose ourselves in those dull moments. You remind that your life will follow the lead, a running compass can be inked on the arms. How about getting some Valar Morghulis?

The Dream Catcher


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One of the most gorgeous, colourful and lucky thing to ink is a dreamcatcher. Dreamcatchers are so mesmerizingly beautiful and deep. As they emphasize on bringing you the good dreams and good luck to you; filtering out the bad dreams and negativity from our lives.

The Zodiac


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Etching your zodiac sign to your body signify believing in good fortune. Your zodiac sign brings identification and good luck of your own. Zodiac signs are probably the most preferred good luck symbols tattoos for a positive living. My zodiac sign is Libra, tinted on my back, when are you getting yourself one?



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The dragon is said to bring you good luck, prosperity and wealth according to the Chinese astrology. A dragon tattoo is one of the most spotted good luck symbols tattoos for a positive living on so many artists, ancient people, and horoscope believers. A dragon gives the power to lead, bringing confidence and leadership qualities.

Gibu Auja


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Need good luck and protection in life? Gibu auja means give protection or give good luck. It is a symbol of the union of Gebo and Ansuz, a small tattoo often inked on fingers or wrist. Gibu auja is an old, unique symbol found in old Egypt inscriptions. Plus, it looks so unique on the shoulders, then ring finger and the neck.



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The three clover leaves is a small beautiful good luck symbols tattoos for a positive living. With each leaf representing good fortune, love, faith and hope. Clovers attract positive energies and give perfect balance in life. Clover can be inked on your ankle, shoulder in so many different patterns.

The Wisdom Knot


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According to the Buddhist philosophy, wisdom knot symbolizes wisdom, intelligence, ingenuity, strength and prosperity. Wisdom knot is a beautiful tattoo with infinity knots and lopes. It looks so gorgeous when imprinted on the back or matched with your best friend, showing your unbreakable endurance and positivity.


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Good luck symbols tattoos for a positive living invites good fortune to us, leaving us always inspired by them. Tattoos have always been the representation of the way we express yourself. They always remind us of the reason why we inked them in the first place.