Experiment with Colours
Colour is the soul of any painting. The different shades used in it, the variations of hues and pigmentation and all such things are what that makes a painting complete. So I would suggest playing with colours. Do it in a time when you’re not done thinking about what to paint. Grab some colours and mic them and make a colour chart. This would help you in many ways that you can’t even imagine. It would also come in handy when you’re going for portraits and need to get the perfect skin tone. And if you’re still thinking about what to paint then go ahead with these lovely flowers designs.
Well, unless you’re going with pastels, you would need a good stock of brushes always. As a beginner though, start with the basic paint brushes that you can get from any art store easily. A brush with bristles would suffice for now. You can always get more of these different magic wands once you’re skilled enough to explore them further. When it comes to brushes, you have to be careful. Let’s just say nothing is cheaper these days so you wouldn’t want to just throw away your brushes that you feel like you have just bought. And you would have to do that if you’re not taking care of your paint brushes. They need to be cleaned after every use. So when you’re done with your painting sessions, don’t forget to clean the brushes with water.
“https://www.boredart.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Easy-Step-by-Step-Painting-Examples-for-Beginners-31.jpg” alt=”” width=”600″ height=”1875″ class=”size-full wp-image-45644″ />
Starting simple is the always the better thing to do when you’re new to a gig. Just start with basic painting ideas and explore your skills further. Happy Painting!