Are you one of those who spends time looking at examples of architectural beauty in complete fascination? If you are, then you should know that you are not alone in indulging in this pastime. In fact, you will be surprised to know that many people have favorite buildings, which they visit and gaze at when they are feeling low. And very unsurprisingly, they return feeling uplifted and positive when they do this. That is why it is should not at all surprise you that there are artists out there who specialize in architectural water colors. The use of water colors does make these architectural examples look even more ethereal. You just have to look at inspiring water color posters to recognize it as an art form that is simple and pretty. There is a certain diffused and dreamlike quality that water color paints bring that lend the architecture an air that is almost magical.
There are mind blowing water color paintings to attest to what we have said about these paints and we are sure that you will find that architectural water color painting images we have added here have the same quality and more. Add to this the art of architecture and the beauty of it and you have paintings that will have even a person not interested in art being drawn it.
Here Are Some Points To Tell You How Pretty And Impressive Architectural Water Colors Can Be:
Get the structure of the buildings right: Since we are talking about art involving architecture, it would be remiss of us not to mention the structure of the buildings. If you are a keen observer of buildings and structures around the world, you will realize that there are distinct qualities that are imbued in them due to the locational factors like the placement of windows, the roofs, the doors and the other features like that. For instance, homes in earthquake prone areas will have to factor this feature in while designing the structure of the buildings. This will have to reflect in the architectural water colors.
Do factor in the play of light and shadows: Once again, we have to ask you another question about your observations around the way light looks different in different places. Like the sea and the sky looks bluer than ever in areas like the Mediterranean and different in colder places. These factors will reflect in architectural water colors and the way the play of lights and shadows affect the way buildings look. The use of water colors done with a sensitive hand combined with keen observation will make you almost feel as if you are literally in that place when you look at it.
Colors and textures galore: Some areas have architecture that uses plenty of color like the desert towns of Rajasthan almost as if they want the colors to add liveliness to the area to make up for the heat and the lack of water. Or the way some areas that are cold tend to veer towards more austere use of colors. In the same way, buildings around the world have different textures and this reflects not only to the touch but also when you look at them. You will see that architectural water colors tend to capture all these colors and textures in a way that makes them come alive.
As usual, we give you some images to gaze upon even as you read this article and we are sure that these will give you an idea about all the points we have made above.