60 Music Tattoo Designs and Ideas for Girls

Music Tattoo Designs and Ideas for Girls

Here we are showcasing some of the best Music Tattoo Designs and Ideas for Girls. If music is your passion and you are also thinking of getting a tattoo, then why not a tattoo that displays your passion in the way it deserves? Music tattoos include body art that has musical instruments, musical notes, verses and even part of a musical theme. They say a woman is poetry in motion if she moves with grace and confidence; adding a musical tattoo will only complete the picture.

What could be more beautiful than a pretty, young and healthy girl having a lovely musical tattoo on her delicate ankle? It would be like watching a beautiful song being played unexpectedly for you. The thing about tattoos and women is that one has to balance out what they want to have rendered on their body with the fact that the placement and size. This should be in such a way as to ensure a piece of body art that looks like a musical tattoo but ensuring that it does not go overboard by being too big and uncouth.

Choose the location, color combination and placement of the musical tattoo after giving it a lot of thought. After all we want it to look tasteful, beautiful and lyrical. So typically for women it can be on the back starting from the neck, at the top of the hip, which can be displayed when you wear tank tops, the inner side of your wrist, your feet, the top portion of the arm or even your lower back. It will show that music flows through you like a passion as well as add an aesthetic appeal.

Girls can go with something as basic as a guitar, or colors of music or even the keys of a piano done as body art on their lovely skin. A beautiful music tattoo will signal to all those around you that you have an intense passion for music and you are not afraid to have the world see it.