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Art has often lent a hand to the world of medical professionals by doing a commendable job as therapy and as a means to express what troubled people feel inside. Yes, that is what outsider art is all about; it is the kind of art that is created by people who are not specifically trained in art like patients, kids or people who are not in full control of their mental faculties. We all know that the inner angst of people is often expressed in the form of art and in fact, many people are encouraged to do it. It comes in handy when the horrors of what people have gone through is too horrible to be spoken about. When you can consider something like bottle art- infinite beauty from recycling waste, why not art to express what we feel inside?
Beautiful Outsider art Examples
There is a way that you can even direct people who are going through troubled times to use art to make a living. They could always try super smart DIY decoration ideas in order to keep busy and earn a living. This also gives people who want to get deeper into art to explore the many aspects of art and you could even learn about the robust and attractive African art among other forms of art.
Have you ever looked at the work of a small child who has no training or grounding in art but has produced a work of art that touches your heart? On the other hand, it could be the work of art that has been produced by someone who is grownup but not trained in art. There are many instances where you will come across really touching works of art that will appeal to you in the aesthetic sense as well as to the senses but with an aura of being raw.
This is because though the artist has produced something worthy of consideration, they still need to get some training to ensure that the raw edges of their art are smoothed out. This could be the case with other people like people who are going through some kind of trauma. They tend to turn to art to have an outlet for their angst and pain. In most cases, the person who is creating the work of art is not even sure whether he or she has talent but is just using the process of creating art as a therapy or outlet for inner turmoil.
Of course, there have been mentally disturbed people who created art even though others believed that the person creating the art is not their right mind. Even this kind of art is termed outsider art. Often you will find that even if you don’t know why you are so attracted to these types of art, their effect on you is almost hypnotic. This is because good art is something that comes from your inner emotions and this is something that cannot be faked at all.
In such cases, the decision to train and teach the person concerned in the nuances of art or not can be very difficult. Sometimes you may be inclined to think that outsider art is so attractive and absorbing because it is the way it is. But on the other hand, you may also be inclined to believe that if a person can produce this kind of art without training, then think of the potential that they would have if they are trained?
This is a difficult and confusing decision that you will have to make after a lot of thinking and talking with the person concerned to arrive at the right one.