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Families are such an important part of our lives but having said that, it does not mean dealing with them is all that easy. However, if you take it from a purely aesthetic or decoration point of view, you can see they do make the best memories in the form of cute pictures. There is many a wall in a home that has benefitted from family picture wall decoration ideas. That is why when you look at must try stair wall decoration ideas, then you will see that family pictures do add value to it.
Best Family Picture Wall Decoration Ideas
This can definitely add to any pretty gallery wall decoration ideas that you want to try with other themes. And when you are putting together the best family picture wall decoration ideas and feel that inspiration is lacking, then do look at these beautiful wall art ideas for your inspiration.
Here Are Some Of The Best Ways You Can Use Your Family’s Pictures For Wall Decorations:
Go by chronology: The thing with families is that the order can always be defined in terms of the chronological order of things as they happened. Like for instance when two members of the family (husband and wife) meet, their wedding and the birth of their children one after the other. That is a good way to go about arranging the photos. Once the children come into the picture, then we can have photos based on specific events like the christening, birthdays, school events and so on. This could be a very simple and logical way of doing things.
Mix colors with black and white: Another charming touch to give the best family pictures you have is by mixing both color prints and black and white prints. The contrast and unexpectedness of doing this will make the whole arrangement a matter of attraction and will even lead to some conversations based on the way the photos and images have been arranged. This could however need you to really think things through to ensure that the arrangement looks interesting and not clumsy.
Tell a story: A picture is worth a thousand words and use this statement to have the pictures on your wall tell their story. Have a sequence to the way the pictures are arranged along with some kind of arrows or words to build up the story that you are trying to put forth. This can be used to educate your children as well as other close family members on how the family has evolved and grown. Storytelling with pictures can be exciting and interesting to do.
Add other elements: Just because we are talking about the best family picture wall decoration ideas here, does not mean that we eliminate other elements from the picture. You can actually use other elements like wall decorations, stencils and lighting to make the wall look even more charming. The more elements that you can add cohesively to the family picture wall decoration, the better it will look as long as you are clear about the kind of look you are going for.
Make a family tree: Well, families and family pictures are about the family tree then one of the obvious ways to make the picture wall work well is to literally put up a tree there. This way any additions to these pictures can easily be added to this tree as and when they occur.
We are sure that with some of our suggestions and images given here will have lit your imagination and creativity on fire and you must be raring to go and do some work on the walls of your home. Do tell us how it goes.