40 Nightmare Before Christmas Tattoos

Tattoos are an art form that use the human body as the canvas and thereby have a deep-rooted significance to the person getting them. What is more, people who get tattoos attach a special significance to the tattoo design due to some incident or belief system or even a pop culture factor. Take for instance the popular movie – Nightmare before Christmas where the world of Halloween meets the world of Christmas. This movie has definitely left an impact on the world of tattoos. The world of tattoos is known to take inspiration from many sources like these superb dolphin tattoo design ideas for women that is inspired by the marine world.

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Nightmare Before Christmas Tattoos

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People can get inspired by many subjects like these Foo dog tattoo designs for you which can strike a chord in you if you like things of oriental origin. There are many cute tiny tattoo ideas for girls that gain inspiration from many sources. As you can see tattoo designs can be inspired by many things and it is not at all surprising that an iconic movie like the Nightmare before Christmas inspired many tattoo designs.

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Just think about it – the movie is inspired by Halloween that comes before Christmas. It depicts the pumpkin king as getting bored with simply scaring people and deciding to go out seeking something more. He walks from Halloween town right into Christmas town with all its trappings of color, lights and celebration. What does he do? He decides to take over, pushing Santa aside to take on his role. As you can imagine this does not quite work the way he envisaged.

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Now that we have given you an outline of the storyline and plot of the movie, your mind must be filled with many tattoo design ideas. It is after all an interesting concept with so many nuances and twists to two of the most popular festivals celebrated. One is the epitome of fright but in a fun and interesting way with people dressing up to scare and thrill. There are traditions like going around dressed in costumes to look at the way people have done up their homes and surroundings in ways that is meant to scare you. The idea is to ask for trick or treat and be given enough candy to give you a sugar rush of the year.

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The movie takes it to another level with all the characters in it giving you ideas for tattoo designs. The struggle for someone who is essentially a skeleton cartoon trying to hijack the job of the jolly Santa Claus. Any of the characters in the movie that touched a chord in you or stirred your emotions can be used as an inspiration for the tattoo design itself.

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We are sure that if you are considering getting a Nightmare before Christmas tattoo, then we are sure that you have your own reasons for doing so. But as you may have been warned earlier on, getting a tattoo is not something that you can take lightly. You need to think about your motivation for getting the tattoo from every angle. You are after all, committing a part of your body permanently to this tattoo.

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That means that though there is an expensive and painful option for removing the tattoo, it is by no means something that is easy or guaranteed or inexpensive. That is why you will need to think really deep and hard before committing to a tattoo like this. Do think about the effect it will have on your social and professional life before taking on something as permanent as a tattoo like this.