You may have heard of Pablo Picasso but his full name may give you pause as it is really long. His full name is Pablo (or Pablito) Diego Jose Santiago Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiniano de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Blasco y Picasso Lopez. Aren’t you glad that you know him only as Picasso?
His works are masterpieces and this means when you have the task of picking the top ten that stand out, it can mean a lot of confusion. First of all you may be hard pressed to take your eyes away from the painting you are looking at. Secondly making a choice by picking one over the other could cause some heart wrenching moments not to mention confusion and regret.
But somebody has to do it and here is a list of artworks by Pablo Picasso that are unofficially considered among the top ten:

At number 10 – Three Musicians: You will find this artwork at the New York Museum of Modern Art as of now. It belongs to a series that has been painted when he was with his young family and residing in Fontainebleau in the summer of the year 1921. This painting is over 2 meters in height and width.

At number 9 – Girl Before A Mirror: This painting was done in the March of 1932 and the subject was a young girl whose name was Marie Therese Walter. She was painted many times in the year 1930 by Picasso.
At number 8 – The Old Guitarist: This was painted after Picasso’s close friend named Casagemas committed suicide in the year 1903. This was painted in Madrid and was along the lines of the works done by El Greco.

At number 7 – Seated Woman (Marie-Therese): This marked the beginning of a stunningly productive year during which Picasso produced many masterpieces that include Guernica in the year 1937. He went back to the technique of using red and green division to make things look animated.

At number 6 – Dora Maar au Chat: This was done in the year 1941 and was a great depiction of his lover and companion in art. The painting stands out for the colors and the patterning of the dress of the model which is dense and complex.

At number 5 – Blue Nude: This was one of the earliest works of Picasso and was done in 1902. He was still mourning the death of his friend who died tragically.

At number 4 – Le Rêve (The Dream): It is an oil painting that was done in 1932 in which his mistress Marie Therese Walter (24) has been shown. It was one of the distorted depictions that he did. The painting as outlines that are oversimplified and colors that contrast and look similar to early Fauvism.

At number 3 – Asleep: Once again this painting shows Marie Therese Walter supine while placed between color blocks of green and red which are polarized. The painting is both ugly and beautiful making it really weird. Picasso was constantly drawn to this contradictory theme.

At number 2 – Nude, Green Leaves and Bust: This was a masterpiece having Marie Therese Walter as the model done in the early part of 1932. The painting was sold off fetching a huge 106.5 million dollars. In fact it was a world record in the year 2010.

At number 1 – Les Demoiselles d’Avignon: This painting was done in the year 1907 and was known as one of the most innovative one since the time and works of Giotto. The contortion and reductionism of the space in the painting was great and the faces were dislocated in an explosive manner.