Acrylic painting is nothing like complicated chemistry but just a water-based paint. And guess what? It just takes a little amount of time to dry – barely 15 to 20 minutes. You don’t need a surface that will be difficult to find for acrylic painting. Simply a watercolor paper or a canvas will suffice. So using acrylic paints we can create our own masterpiece in just a short time. Well, if you think acrylics and oil paints are the same, you must read this.
New Acrylic Painting Ideas to Try can come from anywhere. You just need to do what you do always! Look around you and paint all you find abstract. See what catches your eye. Imagine what will keep your sight and will not just let go. It can be anything from your imagination. It can be rainbows and unicorns or it can be simply the different shapes of clouds. You just need to create such vision that will feel pleasant to your eyes and relax your soul. Mixing colors as to make the the paintings realistic should be the first thing you learn.