The unalome tattoo is very pretty to look at possessing a mystic aura that will have people wanting to look at it again and again. But that is not all, people will often look at your unalome tattoo and question you on what it meant to you. Do not be surprised if their take on the unalome tattoo is different from your motivation for getting it. As you know the unalome tattoo represents our struggles in life, which is represented by the spiral in the unalome tattoo. You will also notice that the unalome tattoo motif has a straight line running through it which shows that the spirit has finally arrived at a place where it finds harmony. The unalomes are also considered the crown that belonged to enlightened saints called Arahants.
Though we may not be aware of it, most of us are born with a purpose and a particular destination that we are supposed to reach. And the path to this destination is called the journey of life and the destination is supposed to be the enlightenment of the soul. Though most of us get lost in the mundaneness of our daily lives, there is a part of us that longs for and seeks this bit of enlightenment that will set our soul free. People who feel this way about their lives may find themselves being attracted to the unalome tattoo.
The tattoo could be representative of their path to enlightenment if they have awareness of their ultimate destination or could be representative of the deeper call of their soul even if they are consciously unaware of it.