40 Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (20)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (21)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (22)

Go for the sea design: Many people who love tattoos and also have a love for all things marine will find the color blue of great appeal. This kind of tattoo looks almost as if it is in constant motion with the rippling of muscles and sinew when the person who has gotten the tattoo moves around. While many consider tattoos to be static art, the fact is some tattoos take on a life of their own depending on the movement of the person who is sporting it, the type of tattoo design and the location of the tattoo.

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (24)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (25)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (26)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (27)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (28)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (29)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (30)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (31)

Popular symbol different color: The thing is most of us are fond of something like a flower or an animal or some other element. And these elements come in colors of their own but if you want to be different and want your tattoo to look insanely gorgeous, then one of the ways to do this is by coloring this element in a shade of blue. Just imagine an ice blue fox or a turquoise blue lotus flower. We are sure the couple of examples we have given here will spark of your imagination about the kind of insanely gorgeous blue tattoo designs you will get.

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (32)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (33)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (34)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (36)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (37)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (38)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (39)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (40)

Add some color for relief: Just because we are talking about a tattoo that is almost entirely composed of blue color does not mean that you cannot use some bit of another color. In fact the addition of a cleverly color to an entirely blue color will make it even more striking and emphasize the blueness of the tattoo in question. In fact adding an outline in a contrast to an insanely gorgeous blue tattoo like black or red or maroon would make the tattoo look even better.

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (41)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (42)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (43)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (44)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (45)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (46)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (8)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (9)

Insanely Gorgeous Blue Tattoos in Trend (10)

While we have talked about the designing of tattoos from unusual design elements that are not naturally blue, does not mean that you cannot have blue tattoos of things that are naturally blue. Like certain flowers and birds that are already blue in color and getting this done in a tattoo in the same form can also be striking.


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