Futuristic designs: Some people take the simple and whimsical idea of making a simple tree house and do it in a really cool and futuristic design. When you get right down to it, you will see some really remarkable designs that somehow manage to work with the completely natural look of the trees. There have been some designed in a cubic design or made to look like a honeycomb like structure.
Simple and cute: Some tree house ideas are quite simple to look at and also cute. But when you take a really hard look at them you will realize that considerable thought and planning has gone into the building of them. It is only a person with ample respect for nature and a reverence to the environment can come up with ideas like this.
Practical and livable: Some people view even the tree house as a practical abode where one would live on a daily basis and not as something to play in or something as a showpiece. This means planning on aspects like how to get in and out and also arrange things like water supply, plumbing and other practical aspects.
But no matter what kind of tree house you are looking at, there is no doubt that the sight of a tree house will definitely transport you back in time to your childhood where you still believed in magic and the whimsical side of life.