Your beloved home is where you go to hide and seek solace from the troubles of the world at the end of a working day. That is probably the reason why many people spend days on end selecting the right elements that will become part of their home. There are people who go into serious panic when they feel that they have selected the wrong color for their walls or the wrong fittings. The wide range of choices can make any choice difficult. But don’t worry, there are many cool wood wall ideas you’ll actually love and want to get on your walls. There are also unique TV wall unit setup ideas that you can inculcate into elegant wall painting ideas that will make your home look even better, warmer and more welcoming.
Elegant Wall Painting Ideas For Your Beloved Home
Best of all you also have plenty of resources to look up and consult when it comes to attractive wall painting colors and suggestions. Today painting your walls is not a matter of picking out just the kind of paints you will use and the colors that you want in your room. It is more than that, and people are aware of it. The way the walls of your room are painted will make a big difference to the way your home looks and feels.
Here Are Some Elegant Wall Painting Ideas For Your Home That You May Feel Happy About:
Graded shades: You may like a particular color so much that you may like to have all the shades of this color on your walls. You could either have bits of each shade starting from the lightest to the darkest either plainly or to form a circular pattern or any other form. To ensure that this does not become overwhelming, you can have the pattern painted only on one wall and have the others plain.
Intriguing motifs: For this, you can use stencils of motifs that you like for example leaves, or flowers and have them painted in contrast to the color that you have painted the walls. This can be either following a deliberate design or pattern or done to look artfully random.
Checks and patterns: This could be in the form of graded colors or a mishmash of colors to form checks and other patterns. These make the walls look very striking but do ensure that you only get them on one or two walls to ensure that they do not end up looking too gaudy.
Stripes and designs: This is another option when you do not want to go for wallpaper but still want a stripe or some kind of designs on your walls. This makes the walls attractive and can be used to create an illusion of bigger space than you have using these stripes and designs.
Fantasy figures: This is a great idea for kids’ rooms as well as the rooms that belong to adults. You can have a whole fantasy world that can be part of your walls and ceiling to make your room even more charming. This can make the room very cozy and personalized for the person or people occupying it.

Textured paints: Another way to paint the walls of your beloved home is by using textured paints. Today we can even purchase paints that help create textures or use some other means to create textures on the walls.
We are sure that once you get started on thinking about elegant and charming ways to paint the walls of your home, you will be able to come up with numerous ideas.