30 Cool Wood Wall Ideas You’ll Actually Love

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Apart from the look of the wood, do consider the upkeep: Wood no doubt has a look that is really classy and warm, but it can also be a bit high maintenance, especially depending on the weather condition of the place you live in, the number of member in your family among other factors. While having a cool wood wall idea is a great thing to do, it is also important to consider the upkeep.

contact: Robin Bagley email: robin@anderssonwise.com phone:  512.637.5768

Cool Wood Wall Ideas (20)

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Work with wood after you have considered the family setup: When you have older people and small kids in the house, you will find that rough hewn wood wall ideas may not be the best thing to go with. Sometimes elderly people find this to be abrasive on their skin as they seek the support of the walls when they walk. Same is the case with small kids who are more likely to injure themselves due to the rough nature of the wood wall.

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It need be all wood for the idea to be good: When you are considering several options for cool wood wall ideas, do remember that it is okay to add a touch or two of wood here instead of going for all wood. Sometimes this may be the more practical thing to do considering the cost of wood, the upkeep of wood and movement of members at home. You can always add things like a plaque or two made of wood made here or dedicate one of the walls to wooden objects and so on.

Cool Wood Wall Ideas (30)

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Since wood has many colors, textures and natural designs within it, you will find that decorating your walls with wood will be easy enough to do. The patina and grain of the wood will naturally add more charm to any cool wood wall idea that you are likely to come up with.


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