When you are in love, you think it is going to be forever and that is a natural inclination. One does tend to believe in the happy ever after kind of ending. But one can never take life for granted and if you feel a certain way about your beloved then you should tell them about it. We know that finding the right words to say what you mean from the bottom of your heart is not always possible. Like when you have to make welcome speech and though you know what you want to say, you do not have the right words to say it. At such times having short welcome samples that you can use will be really good. The same way the language of love is universal and you need to say some things to the person you love.

Here Are Some Things to Say to Your Love Before You Die:

I only existed before I met you, you made me live.
If I had not met you, my life would have always felt incomplete.
You are not the most beautiful man/woman in the world but when you smile I think so.

You are the one who brought love into my life
I value your support at all times
I have always felt secure with you.

You are the one that makes any place feel like home
You are the scent in flowers and the colors in the rainbow
Even if I had been married when I met you I would have divorced by wife/husband to be with you.

Loving you made me a better person
I never knew what the difference between making love and sex was till I met you.