What are the Seven Perspectives of Psychology: Explained

Do you know it’s a myth that the humans use only 10% of their brain? Yeah, it is completely false. A human mind is as complex as it can be. And the brain is active almost all the time and uses almost every part of it at one moment or another. It’s just that the human psychology is such a vast concept to study and differs from perspective to perspective. Well, perspective is a point of view of one person regarding another object or situation or a person. So you see human psychology is itself a vast field of complexity. The perspective builds the human psychology and the human reacts according to it. So if you wonder What are the Seven Perspectives of Psychology, we have shed some light today on these main perspectives of human psychology.

What are the Seven Perspectives of Psychology

Biological Perspective


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Biological perspective is something that a human gets from his or her genetics. It is a field of game where the ball is thrown from the brain to neurons and then to genetics and immunity of the person. The biological perspective of a person is ingrained in him from the very beginning of his life, either by nature or nurture. For instance, someone might carry a trait of aggression from one of the parent while other might have developed this trait because of the past experiences.

Behavioural Perspective


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You get pricked by a thorn hidden in between a bunch of roses and you get rid of the roses in that very instant. Your brain has realized what has happened and hence have acted immediately in response. That’s what a behavioral perspective is. The environment around the human influences his or her behavior. The human observes the surroundings, analyzes it then involves itself in the environment in response to the change. These famous quotes will surely help you to always be ready with apt responses for any situations.

Cognitive Perspective


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It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the human mind is the most advanced computer. It’s the brain of humans that developed those fast machines capable of performing complicated problems in just a matter of seconds. The cognitive perspective simply implies to this simple function of the brain that is calculating and assessing the situations around it and then reacts to it. It’s just like the computers; we face a problem, the cognitive perspective of our psychology assesses it and starts formulating the solutions but within the limits of biological laws. The cognitive process comprises of thinking, speaking, learning and formulating solutions process. The life is never still but a continuous race and always challenging the brain. In such stressful life, find some time for yourself to relax with these still life drawing ideas.

Humanistic Perspective


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A man’s way of living, the choices that he makes, the qualities he is capable of, all such things compromise the humanistic perspective of psychology. A man is capable of making a choice. It is his humanistic perspective that will help him make a decision. A person is focusing on building a powerful image of him or her, that’s a humanistic perspective. The humanistic perspective of human psychology will encourage the man on creating a better condition for himself. It will make him or her realize the value of self-importance. This perspective makes the person choose a good path over the one with flaws and doubts. These will give you glimpses of a joyful and serene way of living.

Psychodynamic Perspective


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While the cognitive perspective of psychology is related to the person’s capability of making decisions based on the changes in his or her surrounding, the psychodynamic perspective is totally opposite of this concept. The psychodynamic perspective of human psychology deals with the behavior of the man, the feelings, and emotions, the result of the unconscious dynamics and inner forces. The psychodynamic perspective is based on the interaction between mind, personality or psyche of the person. The human comes to a certain conclusion with the help of the assessment of the past experiences, intuitions or what we call a ‘gut’ feeling.

Sociocultural Perspective


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As the name suggests, the sociocultural perspective of human psychology deals with the behavior of a person in response to his or her surroundings, cultural and social factors. The way how a person communicates to another person belonging to the same or another community, how the person relates with another being, the mental and emotional support that one seeks from another, all these aspects belong to the sociocultural perspective of human psychology. Learn to live in a better way despite the differences amongst the human characters and races.

Evolutionary Perspective


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It is the evolutionary perspective of human that has made possible for us to have access to almost everything. The technology, the development in various fields, all these are the factors of evolutionary perspective of psychology. A mind is capable of doing a lot of things at once. It can learn many languages at once, perform various functions, formulates solutions to different problems, all these are what evolutionary perspective comprises of. This perspective of human has made him adaptable and stronger to survive, and have made him want to achieve big in life.

The human psychology is a complicated mystery. The various human perspectives are the key to solve it and understand it. While there are many different perspectives, these major perspectives of human psychology will give a clear picture of what this human behavior is all about.


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